Individual results vary from person to person, which is why we offer you a free hypnosis screening and a written stick-with-you guarantee. The information contained on this website is for educational purposes and not meant to provide any type of medical advice. You should consult with your physician prior to engaging in any new weight loss program.
Comments made by former clients, students, trainees and business associates are true, factual and documented. JFV Consulting Corp and NWI Hypnosis Center, its officers and assigns do not imply, suggest or claim these comments represent a typical result.
Results vary depending on age, gender, lifestyle, physical activity and individual commitment and motivation to achieve a desired result. NWI Hypnosis Center makes no claim or intent to represent comments and reviews as current. Each comment and or review is one person’s opinion given at a specific time. Comments and reviews should only be considered in that context and not as example of current experience.